The Customer Service (CS) Panel option allows you to search for a product catalog based on many attributes of an order number. You can also view a list of customer purchases on your webstore, shipments and search for a catalog based on catalog name and ID.
To view the CS panel:

In the Admin Panel page, click the Customer Service drop down menu and click CS Panel. Search Options page opens as shown.

The tabs present on the webstore are:

  • Search Tab: This option allows you to search all details of a particular order based on any of its attributes such as Users, Purchases, Shipments, Payments, emails, Mobile Numbers and so on.
  • Purchases tab: This option displays all the orders placed by customers on your webstore.
  • Stop Cart Purchases: This option displays all the orders abandoned during card checkout.
  • Shipments tab: This option displays all the shipments made for orders on your webstore.
  • Catalog Search tab: This option allows you to search for a product based on Product title.